Youth In-Season Speed
The court sport in-season speed training is designed to allow the coach to maintain off-season speed gains without taking away time from practices. That is done by using these workouts as an extended warmup or after intense competition to keep the speed element sharp. Use them in order or pick the theme that suits the team's needs best.
Adding reps. to the change of direction, days can make a nice combo, conditioning-speed day.
Weights will be added to your dashboard with this speed training program.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
You might only one chance for success
you might only have one opportunity to be the best
you might only have one moment of glory.
but you have everyday to prepare for it.
-Bob King
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A Trusted Program
Maximize your genetic potential
Athletic developement is all about maximizing your genetic potential. Athletic development isn't about a single drill, it is about a comprehensive approach that combines strength and speed.
Customized Training
Written specifically for you
As you advance, sport specific training isn't enough. It needs to be level, season and position specific. As your progress through the program, your training will become more specific to your goals.