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Triangle Drill

Setup: Three cones 5 yards apart forming a triangle. 

Pattern: A triangle is made by running diagonally to the offset cone, then shuffle to the third cone and backpedal to the start/finish.

Description:  The athlete begins in appropriate sport stance at the start cone with the other two cones in front of the athlete, one straight ahead and the other 5 yards from that cone and off to the left or right of the start.The athlete sprints to the cone diagonally away from the start, hits the brakes keeping the cone in front of them, then shuffles to the third cone and finally, backpedals to the start. 

Variations: Back to back reps. may be performed without a break. If you setup a row of cones like the pro shuttle with a 4th cone 5 yards beack from the middle cone, the drill may be performed continously left and right.

This drill was originally designed for tennis players using the court layout, starting on the baseline-center mark, sprinting to the single/service line corner, backpedaling to the baseline then shuffling to the start and continuing in the other direction.

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