summer speed training program

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I am going to lay out my version of a summer training schedule that we have been using for decades with great results. Any effective program is going to go through revisions and refinements, but not so big that anyone said wow, this is different. We want the same high quality, good training and results.

From a coaching standpoint, summer is the time to teach every facet of athletic development and add new elements. While that may seem like a given, there are two very critical reasons to implement new regimes during these months:

  • Prime Growing Season: Athletes can handle more physical stress and recover faster during the summer.
  • Advanced Techniques: Coaches can apply more advanced techniques, schemes, or gadgets to the training.

By incorporating all the elements in the summer, coaches and athletes can use selected pieces of the program throughout the preseason and regular season, minimizing the loss of summer gains.

Schedule Overview

The summer schedule is meticulously thought out and prepared. It is built around an 8-week timeframe, which is easy to adjust for shorter or longer periods according to specific association mandates. Here’s a week-by-week breakdown:

June Weeks 1-2

  • Strength Program: Reinstall the strength program by establishing training loads for the big lifts (bench, squat, deadlift) in the first week.
  • Olympic Lifts: Introduce Olympic and other explosive movements in week three.
  • Running Program: Organize and execute the running program with a focus on perfecting technique and fluid running motion.
  • Conditioning: Introduce conditioning gradually in conjunction with speed and change of direction training.

June Weeks 3-4

  • Increased Training Loads: Increase training loads and lower strength rep schemes.
  • Explosive Movements: Introduce Olympic and plyometric movements.
  • Coordination of Training: Plan coordination between speed/change of direction and conditioning to keep a consistent increasing level of intensity.

July Weeks 5-6

  • Adjustment of Loads: Adjust weight loads and volume based on the coach’s discretion.
  • Special Training Days: Include “specials” to break up the training routine.
  • Fall Conditioning Test: Run 80% of the specific fall conditioning test.
  • STREND Workout: Perform a STREND workout, a combination of sprints, Olympic lifts, and jumps.

July Weeks 7-8

  • Mile Sprint: Conduct the mile sprint (4x150, 5x120, 6x100) with walk-back recovery.
  • Second STREND Workout: Repeat the STREND workout on Wednesday of week 7.
  • Unloading Week: Use week 8 as a modest unloading week with no load increases, less running, and shorter training sessions to allow athletes to recover.

Key Points to Remember

  • Transitioning into Summer Schedule: Only one week of transition into the summer schedule is needed.
  • Avoid Overtraining: Be mindful of cumulative stress and avoid overtraining by managing the volume and intensity of training.
  • Gradual Introduction of Conditioning: Introduce conditioning gradually and focus on technical correctness in speed and change of direction drills.
  • Adjustments and Unloading: Make necessary adjustments to prevent plateauing and include unloading weeks to ensure athletes are fresh for the fall.

By following this structured approach, you can ensure high-quality training and excellent results throughout the summer and beyond.


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