Summer Speed Training Strend Week 8

Part 1: Outdoor STREND

STREND might be my second favorite training word after speed.

Since this is a monster workout and coaching intensive, you have to see everything, EVERYTHING. 

We will breakdown the workout for both indoors and outdoors.

Outdoor STREND Workout:

(There is a 2-minute break between events.)

Details and Scheduling:

  • If you do not have the right facility/equipment, substitute the lift or run with a compatible event, either in duration and/or intensity. Use bars, dumbbells, sandbags, body weight, etc.
  • The rep ranges (6-8, etc.) are at the coach's discretion based on observations, fatigue level, training conditions, etc. (Fatigue level should only be considered if the athlete is at risk of injury, not just tired.)
  • The 2-minute break is often used to walk to the next event. When the first athlete finishes the run/lift, the rest interval begins. If you have masses, adjust line length accordingly, and the rest interval will be built in.
  • From a scheduling standpoint, we did this twice a summer on the last 2 Wednesdays in July. Because of the intensity level, I did not want an end-of-summer wall or dead legs coming out of my program. In our schedule of a 6-day training week, I gave the athletes the option of taking the next day off (Thursday).

We found this to have a profound positive impact on our strength and conditioning and continued to develop companion workouts of similar intensity as well as the indoor STREND, which is next.

Part 2: Indoor STREND

If facilities and equipment are a problem, find similar lifts and runs to match the script. Bars and dumbbells are needed, and hopefull you have access to a 30-yard runway.  A shorter distance will work as I will show later. 

Always start with a good warm-up—lead-up (WULU) is necessary, especially indoors.

Indoor STREND Workout:

Drill Descriptions:

  • 24’s: 4 x 31 yards in 24 seconds with a 48-second rest. (31 yards = 94 feet, the length of an NBA court.)
  • 300-Yard Shuttle: 12 x 25 yards, NOT 6 x 50 yards. The extra change of direction is harder and better for your conditioning.
  • Super Shuttle: 5 x 5-10-5. Finish at the middle cone, jog to a stop at the far cone, turn, walk to the middle, and take off the opposite direction. Complete 5 reps.
  • Hot 250: Two cones spaced 5 yards apart. Each move is done 5 times in a row. The rest is 30 seconds if there is only one athlete. Always run forward. You will run forward, then backpedal, cross over right and left, then shuffle right and left for a total of 250 yards in a 5-yard space.
  • Russian Jumps: Hold a medium pair of dumbbells and do 5 controlled vertical jumps. “Gather” after each landing, which means getting back into a correct jumping position. Put the DB’s down, wait 30 seconds, and do 5 vertical jumps with no weight. Use your arms aggressively on the jump.
  • Pull-Press: Using just a bar, you are basically going to d. hang clean + push press.  It's not really a hang clean because the weight shouldn't be so heavy that you need to use your legs to pull it up and press over your head.


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