Speed Daily February 2 of 4

Cone drills are good for several reasons.

- They can mimic sport-specific movements.
- The build strength for change of direction.
- They can be used for conditioning.
- They can help measure agility.

One thing to consider is that this high-intensity start-and-stop also needs to be measured as bouts on the legs.

As we have been discussing in recent podcasts, stress is cumulative.

Change of direction is factored into our programs in relation to leg days. You know, squats etc...

Even this past year when we didn't have access to gyms because of pandemic restrictions, cone drills helped offset some of the missing leg days.

While they are not a replacement for heavy lifts, they can help you develop or maintain the power you need to perform.

I went ahead and made a video with 16 of our favorite cone drills that you can add to your workouts right now.

Listen To The Full Episode

Speed DailySpeed Daily are free speed workouts Coach Bob King puts online every week. Our mission is to make professional training available worldwide. Not just for the highly motivated, but also for making it more accessible to those that can't afford proper coaching. 

Speed Daily - February #1 of 4Day 1: 0-10

Day 2: Change of Direction

Day 3: Combo

Day 4: 0-30

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