8 Drills For Speed and Acceleration with Mini Hurdles

Mini Hurdles provide speed training that focuses on acceleration through fast stride rate/frequency.  For best results, set up 10 Mini Hurdles at 3-foot spacing.  The Spatial Illusion drill uses 4-foot spacing.


The 1 Step is a quick and light run through the hurdles.  This drill teaches quick turnover and requires fast heel recovery to avoid knocking over the hurdles.


The two-step is a sprint through the mini hurdles with two feet touching between each one.  Keep your arms at 90 degress with a strong pump to help drive your knees up.


The hop is quick and light.  This means that you jump just high enough to clear each hurdle and land lightly, ready to make another hop.

3 Hops & Run

3 hops and run works on a quick transition from a hop into a sprint.  Hop over the first three hurdles and on the third hurdle, you are going to land with both feet and take off into a one step through the rest of the hurdles.

Side Step

Face sideways and step over each hurdle, touching the ground with both feet each time.  Push off your back leg to move through the mini hurdles and avoid hopping.


The crossover is a sideways run in which you are going to step over each hurdle with one foot.  Lean towards the direction you are running to help propel yourself through the hurdles and avoid swinging your leg out in front of you.


The three-step works on knee lift and body control.  You are going to touch the ground with three steps in between each hurdle while pumping your arms at a 90-degree angle.  Be sure to get three full steps each time, avoiding a false step from getting too far ahead of yourself.

Spatial Illusion

The spatial illusion is ten hurdles at 4-foot spacing.  The illusion comes from picking up speed.  In the beginning, you will feel like you have plenty of stride space, but as you pick up speed the spacing will feel smaller and smaller, really forcing you to increase your heel recovery.


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